Health and diabetes on the agenda at Folkemøde 2023 / The Danish Democracy Festival
The Steno Diabetes Centers Zealand, Odense, Aarhus, Copenhagen and Northern Jutland all have something on their minds. They have interesting points and engaging presentations for the health debate about diabetes – and not least important messages for all of us about public health. Therefore, the centers jointly invited for a debate at the Folkemødet 2023 on Bornholm.
What do you do when the 5 centers each have their own visual identity? And all materials must be ready, so that the Steno Diabetes Centers can present themselves in the best way possible at the Folkemødet?
BGRAPHIC was lucky enough to be asked if we could help. We have created an identity where all centers recognize themselves – of course with the starting point of promoting the good messages and with respect for all centers to be equal and appear the best way possible.
The total package includes large banners at the debate tent, program in A5, flyer with space to take notes during the debates and ads for the social media.
We hope and believe that the Steno Diabetes Centers have had some good and engaging days on Bornholm. We are happy that we could help you to the finish line, so that you got ready for the exciting days.