
Danish public data is now available to use

Everything can be googled. It seems to be a standard phrase when searching for information on the internet. However, sometimes there are shortcuts that are both smarter, better and faster than Google.

The Danish Agency for Digital Government and the Danish Business Authority have launched the website Datavejviser – a portal solution that can be used by companies, researchers, the press, authorities and the general citizen. It is a catalog of available data from the public sector. If you need to create an app or a website based on public data about weather, wind, men, women, public and private employees, available parking spaces or something else, you may find relevant data via Datavejviser.

BGRAPHIC has designed the logo and the visual identity, including graphic elements, color scheme, graphic elements for the website and info graphics for posts on social media. We have also designed and programmed a beautiful and well-functioning PowerPoint template, which is used when they present the concept for the companies and for internal meetings. Another benefit from the public administration, that puts Denmark at the forefront of digitalisation.