Two-volume bookset about the patients safety under covid-19
Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed (PS) – the Danish Society for Patient Safety – is an independent organization that works to promote patient safety in the Danish healthcare system. The PS has just published a book in two volumes. Håb er ikke en strategi (Hope is not a strategy) and Nogle er ikke et antal (Some is not a number). Both books combined are a total of 504 pages, so you could say that soon is not a time 😊
More than 100 people in and around the healthcare system have amassed knowledge and experience about quality and patient safety in a time of need. This book’s 40 chapters – with just as many unique angles – provide an historical insight into how the Danish healthcare system and society responded to a global health crisis. There are contributions from advisory boards, regions and municipalities, all types of healthcare professionals, researchers and politicians, and patient and advocacy groups etc.
BGRAPHIC developed a beautiful and functional design where form and colors all come together. And the books are in a handy AS5 format, which is good for when you need to read a lot of pages. All this with superb collaboration with PS throughout. Just think how quickly the healthcare system managed to adapt to a whole new set of challenges that suddenly showed up here and everywhere else around the world.