
10 good reasons to collaborate with a design agency

Insourcing, outsourcing, centralization, decentralization, internal resources versus external resources? We know that sometimes it goes one way and other times the other way – both in the big picture as well as on the inner lines. The reasons can be many. You want to save money, optimize, be closer to the solutions, have more internal or external options or resources.

When it comes to graphic design, you as a company can have your own internal graphic designer or you can use external design and advertising agencies. Whatever you choose, you should manage your company’s brand, design and communication as it makes most sense for your company. You sit at the end of the table and must have all your platforms optimized and make them play well together.

Many companies and organizations have insourced communication and graphic design as an integral part of their communications and marketing departments. But is this basically a wise strategy? There are probably many benefits in using in-house competencies – but there are certainly also many advantages in outsourcing all or parts of the graphic work. In fact, we can point out 10 good reasons why you should consider getting help from an external design agency like us.

We think in design and communication 365 days a year – morning, noon and night. We cannot stop doing it. Design and communication lie deep in our DNA. We love creating design solutions, developing subtle concepts, communicating and just helping you with all the best we can.

We are good at working together. We do not take over the driver’s cap from your employee or your department, but provide advice, assistance and support to get the tasks off the ramp and safely to the finish line.

We keep the great overview from the helicopter perspective. Across departments, strategies, sub brands and sub-tasks from across the organization. And we are good at creating synergy in a varied communication need.

Your resources are being used better. Your communications employee’s time is better spent on developing new strategies and plans, while we act as the well-oiled machine that executes it all. Fast, efficiently and on time.

It is a healthy exercise to get fresh eyes on the design. We can easily add value to the tasks because we are not limited by the concept of ‘internal history’, which often can be a barrier to new development or new thinking.

We are good at planning. Like everyone else we have sick days, too. However working as a team, colleagues can take over and take action if the need arises. That way, the tasks never lie dormant with us. It provides security for deliveries.

Have you considered what happens if your employee quits? Change job, retire, become long-term sick or go on maternity leave? Knowledge is disappearing, and extra resources must be spent on getting everything up to speed in the same way as before. With us, we preserve all history, and work so systematically with the assignments that the well-thought-out solutions quickly can be found again and either reused or developed to further levels.

The medias and communication platforms have become much broader during recent years. It can be difficult as a single employee or small department to embrace it all. We have core competencies in all shapes and sizes and can solve your tasks – regardless of type and medium.

If we don’t solve it ourselves, we fortunately have other good people available. We have a top professional network of suppliers within print production, web programming, templates for the Office suite, photographers, translators and much more. And that network will benefit you as well. We can always find the best solution for the least money.

At BGRAPHIC, we have signed a collective agreement. This means that all employees are guaranteed proper working and employment conditions, so that you can have your tasks solved with a good conscience with us – even if it requires overtime and tight deadlines.

We think you can see the idea: Get help from an entire design team with many more skills and resources. We can do much more and we can achieve more in less time 🙂 

You are always welcome to contact us on +45 70 22 87 89, so we can create a set-up that suits your needs and your company’s design and communication tasks.

2 June 2022