ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Product catalogue on technical insulation of cruise and cargo ships

Rockwool udstillingsmesse i Hamborg
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Insulation for ships at a trade fair in Hamburg


Website on language technology aimed to support artificial intelligence


Templates in Canva for Social Media Posts

Trafikselskabet Movia

Templates in InDesign for traffic information on 13.400 bus stops

PARKINCPH Skiltning til parkeringsanlæg

The parking information is now going digital

Amgros Powerpoint slidedeck

PowerPoint template, user guide and slide library

Ministry of Interior and Health

Healthcare close to you

CARVE Consulting

PowerPoint as the primary tool

Ministry of Finance

Design for the Budget

This is Ørestad Udstilling i Fields
By & Havn

Exhibition and photo competition: This is Ørestad

Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy

Visual identity that shows Danish democracy internationally

Statens It-Råd Statusrapport 2023
Statens It-råd

Annual status of the Government’s IT projects

Danske Spil, forsider af rapport om samfundsansvar og årsrapport 2022
Danske Spil

1.7 billion DKK for good causes

Danish Society for Emergency Medicine, DASEM

What happens when you are hospitalized urgently?

Sjællands Velfærdsakademi grafisk element
Zealand’s Academy for Welfare

Logo and visual identity for Zealand’s Academy for Welfare

Group of experts

Future business support


Website for DREAM

The Danish Regions Environment and Resources

New website with a focus on the environment and our beautiful nature

Copenhagen City School

Rebranding under construction

ISM Nationale mål for sundhedsvæsenet 2022
Ministry of the Interior and Health

National Goals of the Danish Healthcare System

Steno Diabetes Centrene

Cooperation at the Danish Democracy Festival at Bornholm

Reformkommisionen, Nye reformveje, forside

Upcoming reforms and new initiatives in education and at the job market

BY & HAVN Foto af Lynetteholm
By & Havn

CSR report 2022

BY & HAVN PowerPointskabelon
By & Havn

PowerPoint tool that professionalises the corporate communication

Greater Copenhagen

Active player in our Danish-Swedish region


Case catalogue with landmarks in sustainable construction

Region Sjælland PowerPoint
Region Zealand

PowerPoint template with many options and a large library with icons

Region Zealand

Library with graphic icons


Logo and visual identity for the Danish directory for public data


Infographics that make precise messages concrete

PlanBørnefondens strategi 2023-2027

Strategy 2023-2027 focuses on young girls' opportunities

Kommissionen om tilbagetrækning og nedslidning, anbefalingerne
The Commission on Withdrawal and Attrition

Figures and recommendations for the future are conveyed easily and straightforwardly

Hillerød Kommune Skolepolitikken
Hillerød Municipality

Infographics explaining an educational analysis tool and an entire school policy

Steno Diabetes Center, infografik
Steno Diabetes Center Zealand and Odense

Infographics that can be put together crosswise

Hillerød Kommune skolepolitikken
Hillerød Municipality

Guides for educational analysis are part of the Children and Youth Policy

Region Zealand IT

A visionary project made simple and clear

Steno årsberetning
Steno Diabetes Center Zealand

The annual report is the annual status for your company

Øresundsbro Konsortiet

Business Strategy 2021-2025

Regeringens reformudspil
The Danish Government

Plans and visions for the future for The Danish Government

Amgros infografik

Infographics that facilitate understanding

University College Absalon

Absalon’s visual identity features a complete illustration universe

Danmarks Lærerforening PowerPoint-skabelon
Danish Union of Teachers

Presentation tool that supports DLF’s design and branding

Absalon Campus Slagelse tidsplinje
University College Absalon

Absalon to offer education that makes an impact at Campus Slagelse

GetSharp MS-office udbudsskabelon
GetSharp IT

GetSharp IT listens to its own advice with designed Word templates

Digitaliseringsstyrelsen Digitalliseringspartnerskabet anbefalinger
Agency for Digitisation

The Digitalization Partnership publishes its recommendations

STENO Visuel identitet logo
Steno Diabetes Center Zealand

Strong circular expression for the treatment of diabetes

Danish Regions’ Information Centre on Contaminated Sites

Danish Regions’ Information Centre on Contaminated Sites

Danmarks Lærerforening Kongres 2021
Danish Union of Teachers

A colorful and festive Convention 2021

BLS Invest / BLS Capital

Two new websites for investor companies

Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
Danish Society for Patient Safety

Two books about the patients safety under covid-19

Femern A/S

Video shows world’s longest immersed tunnel

Udstilling om tunnelen under Femern Bælt
Femern A/S

Exhibition for Denmark's largest infrastructure project

Vellev PowerPoint
The Velliv Association

PowerPoint presentation in color

Udstilling til Bibliotekspolitisk Topmøde for DBC

Unique exhibitions display complex solutions

Sundhedsstyrelsen Aldersgrænser for køb af alkohol og tobak
Danish Health Authority

You see them almost every day

Skabelondesign for Diabetesforeningen
Danish Diabetes Association

Word templates ensure consistent presentation of important messages

DREAM Wordskabelon

Advanced Word template for the day-to-day work of projecting the future


Stylish logo design to match your brand

Publikationsdesign for Rambøll

Inspirational catalogues for the Ministry of Children and Education

Visuel identitet for DREAM

Visual identity that covers future digital needs

Illustration til for Digitaliseringsstyrelsen
Agency for Digitisation

Infographic citizens information for

Design til demenshåndbøger for Sundhedsstyrelsen
Danish Health Authority

Design universe for manuals on dementia

Responsivt webdesign for Konsulentgruppen Strandgade
Konsulentgruppen Strandgade

Modern and structured web design

Visuel identitet for Konsulentgruppen Strandgade
Konsulentgruppen Strandgade

Professional and clear visual identity and brand

Visuel identitet for Datatilsynet
The Danish Data Protection Agency

Professional visual identity with focus on data protection

Marine Ingredients PowerPoint
Marine Ingredients Denmark

Professional PowerPoint template

ICARS PowerPoint

A PowerPoint to present and convince

Femern A/S

PowerPoint for many recipients and many needs

Logodesign for ICARS

Logo design and visual identity for knowledge and research centre

Videoer til hygiejnekampagne for Sundhedsstyrelsen
Danish Health Authority

Videos for hygiene campaign in child day care

Arbejdsmiljøteltet og konferencemateriale for Arbejdsmiljørådet
Working Environment Exhibition Tent

Logo and design for conference concerning young people's working environment

Illustration for Vestforbrænding

Infographics show that safety comes first

Ikoner for ESPON

Strong and modern visual identity

Webdesign for HJORTHs Badehotel
HJORTHs Badehotel

User-friendly and intuitive web design

Skiltedesign for HJORTHs Badehotel
HJORTHs Badehotel

Logo and visual identity respecting traditions

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Danish companies are promoted throughout the world

Publikationsdesign for Gate21
Gate 21

Inspiring publication with focus on sustainability

Royal visit in Italy
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

When Word templates need to offer something more

Website for Marine Ingredients
Marine Ingredients Denmark

Website with strong infographics and great structure

Kildegaard Privatskole Website
Kildegaard Private School

Website successful online strategy

Danish National Genome Center

Information video concerning your genetic information

Illustration for Nationalt Genom Center
Ministry of Health

Infographic for the Danish National Genome Center

Absalon Video studerende
University College Absalon

Name change streamed online to all educational institutions

Logodesign til kampagne for VIVE

Logo and visual identity for campaign concerning room for diversity

Word-skabelon for Finansministeriet
Ministry of Finance

Templates for fast publications

Design til Professionshøjskolen Absalon
University College Absalon

Significant logo for great educational establishment

Word-skabelon for Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut
The Danish Evaluation Institute

A Word template for the many publications

Publikationsdesign for Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut
The Danish Evaluation Institute

Publication design for many types of publications

Kampagnemateriale for Vestforbrænding

Waste campaign about money in waste

Fotobog for MT Højgaard
MT Højgaard

A photo book that presents your results in style

Logo, ikoner og infografik for Miljøstyrelsen
Environmental Protection Agency

Logo, icons and infographic concerning avoiding waste in Denmark

Kampagnemateriale for Glostrup Hospital
Glostrup Hospital

Campaign with a special touch